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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Educational TV at it's Finest!

Preschool on TV.......that's what they call themselves right?  Am I the only one that thinks NOT?  Now, don't get me wrong I find a number of these shows cute and entertaining, but some, I just wonder where the education is? 
Max & Ruby was one of Sunshine's (my first grader) favorite shows when she was preschool aged.  It taught her a lot.  She learned to talk in an annoying whiny voice, to always be the one in control of things, never compromise, not having supervision is perfectly normal, and it's acceptable to respond with only one word. 
Then there's Oobi, another show with no parents.  Even Grandpoo couldn't speak using complete sentences.  I liked how much they used their imagination, you know as much as a talking hand could, is it necessary to speak in third person constantly? 
When Sunshine was younger and watched The Wiggles, I never said anything remotely negative, but now that Monkey (my toddler) watches it and hottie Greg Wiggle is off the show, I'll say it...............WTH?  Four grown men living together, each will only wear one color clothing, and who's best friend is a pirate who's sword is a feather?  (Disclaimer:  I reserve the right to retract this opinion if Greg Wiggle ever returns) 
Dora.  Now that's a girl who loves adventure.  I think she's a little young to be off on her own so much.  Instead maybe her parents should schedule some play dates for her.  You know........with another human!
Little Bill, now here's a well rounded show.  He's got parent's and a grandparent, lives at home with his family, has human friends, and depicts real family situations.  The only negative thing I can say about Little Bill is that there are not enough episodes. 
Monkey's favorite show is Sesame Street.  While sometimes the voices can be annoying, Monkey loves it and it really is educational.  Questions have been raised about Bert and Ernie, but they're probably right.  They do argue like an old married couple.  The Count is awesome.  Being a Dracula is close enough to a vampire.......right?

There are a number of shows I find educational and plenty I find questionable in content, but I think they're cute, so I give them a pass.  Maybe I shouldn't care.  After all most of the cartoons I watched didn't have speaking characters.  Or something shipped from Acme was always blowing up.  Maybe children's programing has come a long way and I'm just to stuck up to see it?

Just because I might complain, or find some of these showing nauseating slightly annoying, it hasn't stopped me from having Dora or whoever else was available at the time, babysit while I get a much needed shower, or make that phone call where I actually needed to hear what the other person was saying.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Mommie Uniform

Khaki's and a solid color shirt.  My entire wardrobe seems to consist of nothing other than these two separates.  Well that's not entirely true, there are khaki capri's for summer of course.  Clearly I have a Mommie uniform.  I didn't really take notice of this until recently.  I see so many other moms out and about this summer and they look fabulous.  Make up on, hair styled, great clothes, awesome shoes, and even a smile on their faces.  This summer I'm lucky to just brush my hair and teeth before jetting out the door.  Sure my khaki's and tops don't look too bad, that is if you don't take into account that they're stained.  Or they have fresh snot somewhere on them.  They looked nice when I bought them...................four or five years ago.  Since becoming a Mommie sixish years ago, I have not made myself a priority.  There isn't enough time in the day to take care of everyone AND take care of me.  I try to get my shower in the evenings when the kids have gone to bed, you know after the dishes are done, laundry is put away and lunches are made.  By then I'm exhausted and have spent almost zero time with my husband.  I've made the decision to make some ME time!  That's right, at least two hours each week, I'm going to do something to take care of myself.  Perhaps a facial, mani - pedi, or even just a trip to the gym alone.  (Lord knows I need to go there)  Whatever it may be, I'm going to make ME a priority again!  I may not go back to the days before children, when I never went out of the house without every hair in place and eyelashes that could knock you out, but I will do the little things that I don't do now.  In fact I think my first ME time will be spent going to purchase all new make up!  Confess - Do you have a Mommie uniform?  If you make ME time, how do you do it and what do you do?  I'd love to hear from you!